Another Couple of Years: Making Your Vehicle Last With Help From Tuffy Tulsa
August 25, 2024
A while back, the Cash for Clunkers program was all over the OK news. TULSA people could trade in their old vehicle for a new one that got better gas mileage and receive a government rebate. A lot of TULSA motorists had so-called clunkers that they wanted to keep. They're good commuters, grocery... More

Bouncy Bouncy ? Are My Shocks Bad?
August 18, 2024
When TULSA drivers think about preventive maintenance, what usually comes to mind is oil, fluids and brakes. We don't generally think about our shocks or struts, but these auto parts keep our tires on the road.TULSA drivers don't think about shocks as often as oil changes because shocks and stru... More

On Board Diagnostics for Your Engine
August 11, 2024
Starting in 1996, Tuffy Tulsa service technicians have been able to use a standardized diagnostic system to help determine what is wrong with a vehicle. This diagnostic system works in tandem with the Engine Control Modules for each vehicle's engine. The Engine Control Module is a computer that m... More

Getting Off to a Running Start (Starter Replacement)
August 4, 2024
When you start your vehicles engine, theres another motor that makes that whole process possible. Its called the starter, and its a small electric motor that gets your vehicle running. As you can imagine, its quite a chore for a little electric motor to turn over the big engine that powers you... More